Thursday, August 07, 2014

George Muller

"I have found it a great blessing to treasure up in the memory the answers God graciously gives me. 
I have always kept a record to strengthen the memory. I advise the keeping of a little memorandum 
book. On one side - say the left hand side – put down the petition and the date when you began to 
offer it. Let the opposite page be left blank to put down the answer in each case, and you will soon 
find how many answers you get, and thus you will be strengthened; and especially you will see what 
a lovely, bountiful, and gracious Being God is; your heart will go out more and more in love to God, 
and you will say, “It is my Heavenly Father Who has been so kind, I will trust in Him, I will confide in Him.”

Friday, July 04, 2014

Grillað grænmeti


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