Thursday, September 09, 2010


bara það að horfa á þetta rúm fær þreytuna til að líða úr manni

Á róló

lille gutt var í fyrsta sinn á róló í dag, hann fór í sandkassann og í rólu með mömmu sinni.

Winslow Homer - Girl on a Swing - Art Prints and Posters
Lego stafræn myndavél

Tannbursti vikunnar.

Pantaði svona Monte Bianco með áfyllanlegum haus.

Monte Bianco Adult Medium ToothbrushMonte Bianco Adult Sensitive Toothbrush Heads Triple Pack

Willow tree

Fallegar styttur sem ég féll fyrir í USA. Væmið en sætt.

Byron Katie - 4 spurningar við erfiðum hugsunum.

Question 1: Is it true?

Question 2: Can you absolutely know it's true?

Question 3: How do you react—what happens—when you believe that thought?

Question 4: Who would you be without the thought?

Turn the thought around:
The "turnaround" gives you an opportunity to experience the opposite of what you believe. Once you have found one or more turnarounds to your original statement, you are invited to find at least three specific, genuine examples of how each turnaround is true in your life.

Dæmi um hvernig þetta virkar:


“A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men”

Martin Fraquhar Tupper


lilli gutt
Einar Áskell